Thursday, September 18, 2008

005; Primping out.

Thursday, September 18th, 2008.
My room.

I got in the mood to be girly again *hangs self*. It's okay. The Cardigans make even girly moods okay.

I need to tidy up this room, e-mail my homework, and pack up for Believe tomorrow.

Josh is coming tonight. I can finally get sustenance in this dorm. And a pot pie. I really want a pot pie.

Now if only Walmart supplied crowbars. One of the handiest weapons for zombie survival. This zombie thing has gotten out of hand. It all started out as a joke.

Izzy had the Zombie Survival Guide and we always joked about how he would get scared reading it. Then with just one trip to Applebee's, and I don't even remember why this all happened, the zombie bug hit me.

With a growing fear and Josh and Izzy's growing fascination with zombie movies this all blew out of proportion.

Josh was a goner. With both Izzy and I on the zombie track, he was bound to catch the fear bug.

Now, when we go to a restaurant or anything Izzy and I scope out the place for potential weapons and safe spots. It's a little silly, but necessary.

The day will come. I like to pretend it won't, but we all know. Goddamn zombies.


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