Tuesday, September 16, 2008

002; I've got some beef with this.

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008.
Just outside the 00 HQ.

Okay, I get it, The Dark Knight was fucking awesome. I know, I was there at midnight trying not to shoot the people in front of me going "OMGNOWAIII!!HARVEYDENTISABADGUY!??!?!".

Yeah. I have a Joker poster on my wall, opposite the Marvel poster.

The Dark Knight was fucking awesome. But, shut the fuck up.

There were others movies this summer. And they were good too. The Dark Knight may have been the best one, but it wasn't the only one.

I'm tired of hearing people go on about how great a movie it was and completely forget every other film out in theatres.

Iron Man was fucking cool too. Get Smart, Stepbrothers, and Tropic Thunder were all pretty damn funny. I've also been told by a reputable source (who went to see the movie without me) that Pineapple Express was hilarious.

There were a bunch of movies out and everyone's pretending like they didn't exist.

I know that there are at least a few people out there who, when asked what their favorite movie was this summer, just say The Dark Knight because they know no one will contest it. Not everyone thought it was the hottest movie of all time.

It's just not possible. In fact, I know two who thought it was just simply too long. They are, however, the only two who would say anything against the movie.

I love Batman, and I certainly love this new Batman (makes me forget Batman and Robin ever happened), but give credit where credit is due.

Okay, done now. Time to actually do the homework.


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